Hearing Clinique


Treatment for temporary or reversible hearing loss usually depends on the cause of the hearing loss. Treatment for permanent hearing loss includes using hearing devices. Although you and your family may view permanent hearing loss as part of aging, proper treatment is important. Hearing loss may contribute to loneliness, depression, and loss of independence. Treatment cannot bring back your hearing, but it can make communication, social interaction, and work and daily activities easier and more enjoyable.

Initial treatment

Treatment for reversible hearing loss depends on its cause. It is often treated successfully. Hearing loss caused by:

In permanent hearing loss, such as age-related and noise-induced hearing loss, hearing devices can often improve how well you hear and communicate. These devices include:

Ongoing treatment

Reversible hearing loss, such as loss that occurs because of earwax or ear infections, is generally cured after treating its cause. If you continue to have hearing problems in this situation, work with your doctor. You may need more medicine or surgery, depending on the cause of your hearing loss.

If you have permanent hearing loss, such as age-related and noise-induced hearing loss, you probably will continue to use a hearing aid. Your doctor or other hearing specialist may suggest occasional hearing tests to see whether your hearing has changed. If it has, your hearing aid may need adjustment.

Ongoing treatment

Reversible hearing loss, such as loss that occurs because of earwax or ear infections, is generally cured after treating its cause. If you continue to have hearing problems in this situation, work with your doctor. You may need more medicine or surgery, depending on the cause of your hearing loss.

If you have permanent hearing loss, such as age-related and noise-induced hearing loss, you probably will continue to use a hearing aid. Your doctor or other hearing specialist may suggest occasional hearing tests to see whether your hearing has changed. If it has, your hearing aid may need adjustment.

Other hearing devices you may consider include:

1. Assistive listening devices

These devices make certain sounds louder by bringing the sound directly to your ear. You can use different types of devices for different situations, such as one-on-one conversations and classroom settings or auditoriums. Commonly used listening devices include telephone amplifiers, personal listening systems (such as auditory trainers and personal FM systems), and hearing aids that you can connect directly to a television, stereo, radio, or microphone.

2. Alerting devices

These devices alert you to a particular sound (such as the doorbell, a ringing telephone, or a baby monitor) by using louder sounds, lights, or vibrations to get your attention.

3. Television closed-captioning

Television closed-captioning makes it easier to watch television by showing the words at the bottom of the screen so that you can read them. Most newer TVs have a closed-captions option.

4. TTY (text telephone)

TTYs (also called TDD, or telecommunication device for the deaf) allow you to type messages back and forth on the telephone instead of talking or listening. When messages are typed on the TTY keyboard, the information is sent over the phone line to a receiving TTY and shown on a monitor. A telecommunications relay service (TRS) makes it possible to call from a phone to a TTY or vice versa.

Best Hearing Treatment Delhi

Hearing Aids Delhi is located throughout central, south and west of Delhi . We offer patients a complete line of hearing instruments from low priced starter aids to state of the art multi channel digital hearing instruments. We provide in home services throughout Delhi and NCR region.


We are available to answer any questions you or your family members may have regarding your loss. There are no charges for the exams, follow up cleaning, or check ups.It is our mission to make professional hearing services as convenient as possible for our patients. Our services are available even for those on fixed or low incomes. If you are currently wearing aids, regardless of what brand they are, we will inspect and clean your hearing aids at no charge, arrange for repair service if necessary, and provide you with a package of fresh batteries for your aids at reasonable prices. Hearing Aids Delhi can provide many options to deal with your hearing loss, including our complete line of digital, programmable, and conventional hearing aids.

We carry a full line of  Phonak, ReSound, Alps, Oticon, Widex, Bernafone, Siemens and Starkey products.

Your needs Your preferences Our solutions

We offer a wide range of hearing aids and accessories that solve virtually any hearing need, while meeting your comfort and style preferences. Hearing aids are programmed to address individual hearing loss. Our hearing care professional will help you choose the solution that is best for you. But before you make your appointment, we suggest you learn about all hearing products & brands. This way, you can go into your consultation with a clear understanding of your options and preferences.

Why should you work with Center for HearingAids?

For 20 years HearingAidsDelhi has helped more than  50,000 people to achieve the gift of hearing.  Our  Hearing Consultant are experienced and passionate about hearing care, working to pair your specific hearing needs with our network.
From the moment you call Center for Hearing Aids, our highly trained Personal Hearing Consultants are available to answer your questions and to help guide you in the right direction. First we learn about the hearing challenges you face. Then we help you set up an appointment with a Hearing Healthcare Professional get you best hearing aid which is suitable for you.

How Can Hearing Aids Delhi Meet my Needs?

The first thing to do is to get connected with your Hearing Consultant. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized Hearing Profile that outlines your lifestyle, expectations, and communication needs.

This information is vital as we work to guide you towards the best possible hearing solution for your needs. HearingAidsDelhi’s Hearing Consultants are knowledgeable and able to answer all of your questions about hearing loss and hearing aids. Our goal is to inform our clients every step of the way, and to empower you with information about the right hearing aid solution. Call +91-9810074489 to connect with your own  Hearing Consultant.

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